Why Day Cab?
A Day Cab truck can serve as base for many different vehicle applications. You can shorten your truck's wheelbase and make it a tight turning truck tractor, or you can lengthen the trucks wheelbase and make it a straight truck with a wide range of different axle or custom box configurations. Converting a long haul truck into a Day Cab adds value to your vehicle by allowing a high mileage long haul truck to be used in a variety of short mileage, short haul situations. Perfect for almost any industrial need from agriculture to development.
10 Years of Experience Installing and Distributing Day Cab Kits
We specialize in converting long haul sleeper cab trucks into short haul day cabs, hence the name, Day Cab Conversions. Our certified technicians will remove the sleeper from your truck and professionally reconstruct the cab in a quality that is as good or better than that of the Original Equipment Manufacturer! Our day cabs, in most cases, give you 6 inches more room front-to-back than the original manufacturer's day cab design. Our day cabs are finished complete and ready for paint, or we can paint it for you. Our day cab interiors are completed in a professional manner and in most cases using the existing interior from the original sleeper and cab. We are certain you will be pleased with the factory appearance of our day cab conversions.